

“对不起, 山姆, 但是我们必须让你离开。”当你进入会议室时,经理对你说. 

“但是为什么?你会问. “I’m one of the best welders you have!” 

“That’s true,” the manager replies. “But the fact of the matter is, you’re just not dependable. You show up late too often, 有几次你连电话都没打,直到你开始值班前才说你不能来上班了. 在团队会议期间, you either don’t contribute anything, or you tear down other people’s suggestions and ideas. 和, 当鲍勃因为手术不在的时候,我们需要调整日程安排, 其他人都很灵活,都愿意收拾残局,除了你. You’re right, you are a very good welder. But we need more than just a skilled welder. 我们需要一个有团队精神的人.”

这种情况在美国各地的企业中已经上演了无数次. 如今,雇主们谈论团队文化在工作场所的重要性,以及对员工拥有就业技能的日益增长的需求, those beyond just the technical ones. In fact, according to a survey presented by SMB World, 近72%的ceo认为软技能比硬技能对企业的成功更重要. So, what are Employability (or Soft) Skills? 和 why are they so important? Click the boxes below to find out more:

大多数工作都需要两种类型的技能. 通常首先想到的是技术(或硬)技能. 这些都是具体的, 特定于工作的技能,需要不同程度的专业知识,通常是通过经验或一定程度的学习和培训培养出来的. Whether it be wiring a building for electricity, preparing taxes for businesses, 或者做手术, 只有经过适当的训练或学习足够长的时间,你才能做这些事情. 

The other set goes by several different names: Soft Skills, 就业技能, 生活技能和更多. They are considered transferable skills; that is, they are skills that can be used in any job setting, regardless of the technical skills required. That is why learning these skills now, 还在上学的时候, can help prepare you for a future career, regardless of the type of work you choose.


有趣的是,没有所谓的就业技能“固定清单”. 搜索一下最佳就业能力或软技能,每次你都可能得到一些不同的技能. 即便如此,你还是会发现同样的核心技能被反复提及. So while a few may vary from list to list, and several go by different names, 以下是8项最常被提及的“关键”技能:

  1. 团队合作(.k.a. 协作) —涉及两个或更多的人一起工作来完成一个共同的目标或任务. 每个人都为了群体的利益为整体做出贡献 
  2. 沟通 - the way we interact and, 更多的技术, share information with others; making sure all parties are “on the same page.以各种形式呈现,从书面文字到有效的口语, and from active listening skills to nonverbal cues
  3. 适应性(.k.a. 灵活性) -表现成熟, poise and restraint when having to adjust to new or different conditions; Effectively coping with pressure, 压力, 批评, 挫折, 等.
  4. 创造力(.ka. 创新) -产生新的和富有想象力的想法,流程,产品等的能力.; “outside-of-the-box” thinking that produces different results than before
  5. 解决问题 & 批判性思维(a).k.a. Reasoning or Decision-making) - the ability to identify a problem, 分析它,并通过可能的场景找到一个潜在的解决方案
  6. 时间管理 - the process of organizing and prioritizing how to best use time effectively; begins with attendance and punctuality, but also includes appropriately handling various tasks & deadlines in a timely manner
  7. 积极主动(a).k.a. 自主性) - seeing a need and doing it without being told to do so; the desire to act or go “above and beyond” what is expected or required; internal motivation
  8. 可靠性(.k.a. 可靠性) -质量表明他们可以始终信任或依赖. This trait usually grows over a period of time

雇主们表示,他们比以往任何时候都更关心员工的就业技能水平. 他们认为,某些技术技能比软技能或就业技能更容易教授,而今天的员工越来越缺乏这些技能. 然而,正是这些技能可以成就或摧毁一个团队,甚至是一个公司的文化.

企业已经逐渐开始转变,越来越重视工作场所的文化和社区, 由诸如团队合作等就业技能定义的属性, 沟通, 完整性, 和问责制. 他们发现,能够有效展示这些技能的人往往对自己的工作更满意, 拥有良好的工作关系,感觉受到他人的重视,工作效率更高,在公司待的时间更长. 这就是为什么企业更加重视这些技能的原因. Technical Skills are not enough any more. 正如一位雇主所说,“我们不想要任何聪明的混蛋在这里工作。.”

It can be frustrating when a teacher or parent says, “你需要更负责任”,但没有告诉你如何提高这项技能. 请记住,有些软技能可能比其他软技能更自然,这是由于性格特征和习惯, 和任何技能组合一样, growing these skills requires both time and effort. 下面是一些建议,教你如何提高这些关键技能:

  • 寻求帮助 让朋友/家人指出他们在你身上看到的优点. Ask them for specific examples. Ask for feedback on areas of weakness and ways to improve. Want to work on a particular skill? Ask them to help practice by role-playing with you. 
  • 自省 - Which employability skills are strengths for you? 弱点领域? 哪些行为或外部事物阻碍了你提高技能? 对自己诚实,为你想要达到的目标制定一个计划. 
  • 拥抱的机会 -当生活给你一个磨练技能的机会时,要意识到并欣然接受. For example: having a conflict with a friend? It’s an opportunity to work on your communication skills. Struggling to come up with the money for something you want? Develop those problem-solving skills to find a solution.
  • 从错误中吸取教训 - There are going to be times when you blow it. It’s OK; give yourself a pass. 但是请记住, so the next time you’re faced with a similar situation, you can handle it differently. 另外,你可以在面试时讲述你是如何从这段经历中成长起来的!
  • 循序渐进 - There are a lot of employability skills. Don’t try to master them all at once. It’ll only backfire and lead you to give up. Find one or two at a time to really zero in and work on. Remember, you’ll never “arrive” with these skills. 一切都是关于增长.

注意: 当申请需要某些软技能的工作时, 如果这些是你的强项,一定要把它们写在简历上. 如果可能的话,简单地举一两个例子来说明你是如何展示这项技能的. 

How to Identify and Develop Soft Skills

Eric Kelliher
职业生涯 Readiness Consultant


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